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George Siow
Branch Division Director
ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd
CEA Licence No.: L3002382K / R009210C
新加坡 - 房产投资, 欢迎咨询.
I am a Singapore real estate agent, and I can help you to choose the "right" property in Singapore whether you are an experienced investor, a first time buyer or a foreigner looking to move into Singapore. My services cover you through the whole process - finding the property, negotiating the best price, making an offer and closing the deal. I am here to help you in everything to make the best real estate decision your life.
我是一位新加坡的房产经纪人,我可以帮你选择新加坡的“正确”的属性 - 无论你是一位经验丰富的投资者,首次置业或外国人寻求进入新加坡。我的服务涵盖您完成整个过程 - 寻找房产,谈判最优惠的价格,使要约以及完成交易。我会在这里帮助你的一切,使最好的房地产决定你的生活。

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